Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 2 - EEEWWWWWW!!!!!
After a great week 1 I feel like week 2 on Biggest Loser when not everyone does as well as the week before!
It was a crazy and stressfull week and I let it get the best of me. I still got my miles of running in which was one accomplishment but the eating was horrible! No weight loss which is very dissapointing.
So for week 2:
I did get a chance to watch a movie with my family which was fun and I took a bath! Weird I know but, I usually cannot sit still long enough to watch a movie or take a bath!
This week I stay in the fat category! EEEEWWWW! I will not keep crying about it and will move on!! Week 3 will be better!
I also tried my new recipe on Sunday! I made Chorba a Moroccan Vegetable Soup and it was great!!!! A homemade soup with tons of yummy vegatables! At 260 calories a serving I will be making this one again!!!
Got my running miles in again this week. That makes me happy! Did a 6 mile run on Sunday in the rain!! Staying on track for 500 miles this year - YEAH!
No weight training in this week. I really need to make a plan to fit this in!!!
Taking the P90X out of the box and will see what it is all about - scarry!!!

After a dissapointing week2 I am ready to put it behind me and move on to week 3!!

Happy Monday!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 1

WEEK 1 Complete!

Week 1 of 2010 is in the books! It was a rough one but a good one!!! Crazy busy and stressful at work, but my goals were met for week 1!!! YEAH!

I haven’t blogged much but I spent a lot of time reading blogs!!


Went to a movie and dinner with my BFF. I haven’t seen her in months and can’t even remember when I last went to a movie!!!

Read a ton of blogs!

Spent time and laughed with my boys!


Down 7 pounds in one week!!!


I got my 11 miles of running in between the rain drops (3 of which I finished Sunday night on the treadmill).

Did some weight training - only some, but I did it!!!

Not bad for the first week!! Today was a day of rest and tomorrow we are on to week 2!!! Hopefully there will be a break in the rain - I have 3 miles scheduled during lunch!!!

Hope everyone had a HAPPY MONDAY!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What are your “MUST HAVES” on your runs?

What are your “MUST HAVES” on your runs?

Happy Saturday!

I had a great 4.1 mile run today! No rain and it was actually warm (well warmer that it has been) and no rain!!! 3 miles tomorrow and I will have met my mileage goals for week 1 in 2010!!!!!

About a half mile into my run I realized that I forgot my lip stuff and didn’t put any on before I left my car! I was really bummed! That is my number one “must have” on my runs! My lips get really dry and bug me the entire time if I don’t have anything on them! I kept licking them during my run which makes it worse!! I would run naked as long as I had lip balm! OK, not really but you get my point!!! I couldn’t wait to get back to the car and slather my lips in Burt’s Bee’s Honey Lip Balm. Burt’s Bees is my favorite. It is thick enough that it stays on the entire run and also smooth enough that my lips don’t stick together!

Forgetting my lip balm made me think about other runners and what their must haves are on their runs.

What are your must haves?

Do other runners have them or am I just a crazy planner/creature of habit?

My other “must have” is my Nike+ ipod! I have fun tracking my mileage and setting goals on my Nike+ site so if I don’t have it with me I try to find reasons not to run! My bag with my running clothes and Nike+ are with me in the car every day!!!

Planning ahead leaves me no room for excuses!!

Monday, January 4, 2010


My plans are simple really!


So here they are:


I am focused on having FUN this year!

Fun with things I like to do! FUN with things my family likes to do! FUN in everything we do! We are a very busy family, with work, volunteering, school, sports, etc. We are always on the go! We get so caught up in everything we need to get done that I think we forget why we are doing it! This year is about slowing down just long enough to enjoy what we do!



Short term fat goal - to be back at 185lbs! Re-lose the weight I just gained.

Long term fat goal - 150lbs!

How do I get there?

~Eating clean and colorful!

What does this mean? Well to me it means getting back to eating real food, like - more fruit and vegetables (colorful), and less processed foods (white)!

~Drinking more water and cutting out soda!

~Trying something new every month!

a new vegetable, a new piece of fruit, a new healthy recipe

~Limit the SUGAR! (Did I mention that I love ice cream?)

Significantly reduce the sugar in my diet! Good bye cookies, good bye Starbucks pastries (which I did not have this morning), good bye BIG bowl of ice cream.

The first few weeks I am going to cut out sugar as much as possible to reduce the cravings! Then add it back in, in small doses (small scoops of ice cream)!

~Food Journal!

It helped me so much to write down what I was eating!


Back to running and working out consistently!

~ run 600 miles this year!

I run with Nike+ (which I LOVE!) and want to be well into the BLUE section this fall! Just under 400 miles to get there!
I see lots of bloggers that have a goal of 1000 miles which I would love to achieve but want to be realistic! If I blow past 600 miles this year - look out 1000!

~HALF MARATHON - not 1 but 2 this year! One Spring, one Fall!

Research almost complete on which ones I am going to do! (Will post soon!)

~Cross Train! Running alone is not enough for me. I am going to add back in weight training twice a week. I am also going to try something new each month! Our new home gym is the perfect place to try new work out video or try a new program that I find in a magazine!



Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!
I have to admit a few things - first I suck at this bloggy thing and second I suck at this getting healthy / running thing.
At least I have lately!
I realized that I am only blogging when I have something OK to report -- not all of the time. Doesn't really keep me honest! I started really thinking about what I wanted my New Years Resolution to be this year... so I started thinking about 2009. What went right and what went wrong!

So, 2009 a quick review:

I started off the year in great shape, running and working out most every day. I was at a good weight for me - around 185! August 2008 I ended an 8 week Challenge where I lost the most % weight in the group and won the challenge......I started at 221, I lost 27 pounds in those 8 weeks and by the end of 2008 I had lost 36 pounds and run my first EVER 5k race. So, January 2009 I was happy with my progress and proud of myself. Backwards was not an option!!!
Then something started to change....not really sure what it was but backwards happened!! I slowly started gaining weight! Next thing I knew I was at 195 and couldn't regain focus. I was still running but not consistently.
I was very excited in March when a group of us were notified that we got into the Nike Women's Half Marathon in October in San Francisco! I thought that was what I needed to focus and get back on track!
BUT NO!!! It got worse.
I never really trained for the Nike half - I did it, and I met my goal of running more than I walked, and I finished! But, that was a back up goal because I knew I was not in good enough shape to run the whole thing! And, I knew that the weight I had gained was also in the way! I really had a great time at the race and thought that would inspire me to get it together again!
BUT NO! It got worse!
I have done two other 10k races since then and have still been running, again with no consistency! The worst part is I have also gained more weight back.
So now I look back and see what those things were that contributed to the "BACKWARDS"
1. Breakfast at Starbucks - I love Starbucks and am a regular there every morning. The difference between skinny and backwards is the coffee and a pastry breakfast instead of coffee and oatmeal. The other difference is that I was making Starbucks coffee at home and making good breakfast decisions that included fruit, protein, vegis and whole grains - not SUGAR!
2. Fast food. YUCK! I am not a big fan of fast food but it sure is fast and easy! The difference between skinny and backwards was that I hardly ever ate at fast food and when I did salads and grilled chicken no bun! Not hamburgers and sundaes.
3. Cookies and Ice Cream! I have eaten so many cookies that I am sure I am going to turn into one! At least that is what I was told when I was a kid!!! I LOVE ice cream and am not sure I could ever give it up completely! I used to say that I ran for the right to eat ice cream! The difference between skinny and backwards was the amount of ice cream, add in the cookies and not be consistent with the running!!
4. No strength training. Skinny had running and strength training as a priority! Backwards had running when I could fit it in!
So now as I reflect back on 2009 I really do know exactly what happened!
Bad choices - Excuses - NO plan!!

This helped me plan for my 2010 resolution!

A very smart friend of mine said that 2010 resolutions don't start until the first Monday of the year!!

Those tomorrow!!!